
you can find all of the lyrics to every album by mama nous by clicking on the album title below! 

download the lyrics and guitar tabs to i wish you were still here by mama nous

this single is from my forthcoming album "ocean of emotions."

lyrics to ocean of emotions by mama nous

track list: ocean of emotions // friendship can be hard // worrying has never changed a thing // i'm proud of myself // it's ok to walk away (acoustic) // good friends // i am just fine // bully brain // (i'm)perfectly me // my body is my home // i wish you were still here // listen to your intuition (reprise) // you are a good person // i love my little life // when we know better, we do better //  worrying has never changed a thing (mantra version)

blow a kiss to the moon lullabies by mama nous

lyrics to blow a kiss to the moon by mama nous

track list: whispering heart // banish bad thoughts // blow a kiss to the moon // i will always // seasons change // row row the rushing boat // honeydew // hush hush honey // cocoon (extra sleepy version)

rhymes reimagined: nursery rhymes for modern times.

lyrics to rhymes reimagined by mama nous

track list: the welcome song // oh my darlin' (fruit salad) // tick check // thank you!!! // ring around the rosie // don't pop my bubble // baby bumblebee // TRASHCAN // stop is the magic power word // i miss you when you're sleeping // rainy day medley // a song for the seasons // hush little baby // the cycle of the sun & moon // gentle hands // rockabye baby


lyrics to sing your feelings by mama nous

track list: intro [theme song] // feel your emotions // the disappointment song // i can't read your mind // cocoon // crow friends // i love you more // listen to your intuition // guess what?!? // mama always comes back


lyrics to i’m a grumpy bunny by mama nous

track list: grumpy bunny // the hangry song // gremlin mode // wiggle it out // make good decisions