i’m a grumpy bunny lyrics

i’m a grumpy bunny by mama nous

track list

grumpy bunny

the hangry song

gremlin mode

wiggle it out

make good decisions


i’m a grumpy bunny lyrics

grumpy bunny

I’m a grumpy bunny

and that’s ok!

I’m feeling super duper 

grumpy today

I still love my friends 

and my family

But that doesn’t mean

I gotta be happy!


the hangry song

If you’re feeling really angry

overwhelmed or really mad

If you don’t know why you feel so bad

No reason to feel so sad

Brain is feeling foggy and 

you don’t know what to do

Well maybe you just need to eat 

some food food food!

Cuz when we’re feeling hangry

We just need to eat a snack

Maybe a little nibble will

Help to bring you back

To who you want to be so 

that you don’t feel so grumpy

SO if you’re feeling hangry

Eat a snack snack snack!


gremlin mode

Sometimes I feel like there’s a monster within me

An angry gremlin who just wants to fight

I know I am kind and I make good decisions

But when my gremlin wakes up 

they wanna RAAAAAAAAGE!!!!

So what should I do, oh what should I say?

To ask my mean gremlin to please go away?

Oh what can I say, oh what can I do?

I’ll repeat these words 

until they become true:

I am calm

I am safe

My gremlin is a part of me

But I can remember to breathe

I am calm

I am sweet

I can take some deep breaths

calm my body and mind

and my gremlin just might fall asleep


wiggle it out

If you feel like throwing things

throwing things

throwing things

You feel like throwing things 

what do you do?

If you feel like throwing things

throwing things

throwing things

You feel like throwing things 

here’s what you do:

You stop

And take a breath

And let it out

And then again

And then you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

Then you won’t feel like throwing

 anything anymore!

If you feel like kicking things

kicking things

kicking things

You feel like kicking things 

what do you do?

If you feel like kicking things

kicking things

kicking things

You feel like kicking things 

here’s what you do:

You stop

And take a breath

And let it out

And then again

And then you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

Then you won’t feel like kicking anything anymore!

If you feel like hitting things

hitting things

hitting things

You feel like hitting things 

what do you do?

If you feel like hitting things

hitting things

hitting things

You feel like hitting things 

here’s what you do:

You stop

And take a breath

And let it out

And then again

And then you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle it out

Then you won’t feel like hitting anything anymore!


make good decisions

Make good decisions

We always have a choice

Can’t always do what we wanna do

We’ve got to listen to the voice

That tells us

Make good decisions

[Make good decisions!]

Cuz good decisions 

make good in the world

Cuz good decisions 

make good in the world